Violence against women and girls in Liberia
Project Summary Liberia being a multi-culture society in which most of her tribal culture supports early childhood marriage, polygamy, female genital mutilation, dowry and passion violence among intimate partners; these tribal customs and traditional practices are the basis of violence affecting women and girls in the Liberian society of which Christian homes are of no exception. Violence against women and girls, are major contributing factors to honor killing, body fracture, divorce and child abandonment needs to be mitigated as a major threat affecting human development and Christian family growth. Reason for Ranking This project is significant to BS-Liberia in that it meets the needs of congregational members of churches and communities by providing them hope to overcome VAWG through scripture engagement. Strategic Fit Connecting your project to your Bible Society's overall mission strategy How does your project relate to the Philadelphia Promise? As caring for those with special needs including victims of violence against women and girls. Building relation with churches and communities will certified objectives one and two of the Philadelphia promise. About the beneficiaries How did you arrive at your beneficiary impact number? The beneficiary impact number was arrived at as a result of statistic on domestic violence activities in the four communities selected for project implementation Beneficiary focus Ministers and communities’ leaders from different traditional origin who are consider caregivers as well as victims and perpetrators of violence against women and girls. How have the needs and perspective of the beneficiaries helped shape the design of the project? This project is design on the basic of statistics drawn from violence against women and girls, and the level at which pastors and community leaders are overwhelmed with cases emanating form VAWG in the five communities selected for implementation. National Context As a Country recovering from fourteen years (1989-2003) of civil crisis that recorded transgressions ranging from rape to the brutal killing of unarmed civilians among other unlawful acts that were committed during the period of the crisis that account for more than 250,000 deaths within her boarders. Violence against women and other acts of domestic/family violence has long permeated the Liberian society due to traditional believes, cultural practices and the reluctant of the legal system to adjudicate cases relating to rape, female genital mutilations, child labor, early childhood marriage and women rights to property ownership. These acts of violence are usually referred to as family or Church issues and are among the common crimes committed in our society. Need The need for such a program that seek to exposed and broaden the minds of Church and community leaders by building up their capacities in dealing with issues arising from violence against women and girls as they care for victims and perpetrators during these difficult times cannot be overemphasized. How this project will help the beneficiaries By providing the relevant and appropriate training require for beneficiaries to care for victims, their families and associates as well as the perpetrators. Children and Vulnerable Adults The beneficiaries of this project are going to care for vulnerable women and girls who are the most victims of violence within their congregations and communities. As they are usually unable to care for themselves in the pursue of justice and medical treatments due to cultural and traditional practices. Safeguarding Provide trauma healing for adults in most cases and adoptions or relocation for children who are victimized. Scripture & Prayer Key Verse There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28 (NIV) Prayer points We pray for donor support to this project We pray that God will bless the participants and all those associated with the project and that participants will appreciate knowledge acquire from the training We pray for the timely and smooth implementation of this project
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