Scriptures for New Believers ( E2E), FCBH and Literacy for All

$0 of $27,960 raised

Project Summary

For some years now, the Bible Society in Liberia has provided Bibles, Testaments, and Portions to new converts in rural communities. New converts who have completed the Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) listening program and have developed some reading skills in their language receive scripture at the end of the program and become members of a Bible-believing church. The E2E program adds new dynamism in reaching out with the gospel to the needy in rural areas by enhancing evangelism. This project also encourages the participants of the listening groups to learn to read and write in their language.

Reason for Ranking

This project is important in that it addresses the needs of rural dwellers, rural pastors and new believers coming to know the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Project Goal

The goals of the project are;

1. To get people in rural communities to listen to God’s words in their local languages utilizing the proclaimers.

2. To get them to read their language through literacy classes.

3. To provide Scriptures for new believers that have completed the listening classes and can now read, lead, and help in leading them to a Bible-believing church.

4. To facilitate the planting of Churches alongside the Jesus film.

Project goal’s relationship to overall bible society strategy

Reaching every language group with the Gospel in the language they best understand (their mother tongue), they will come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord. Changed in lives through scriptures materials distributed to new believers and those with a specific need for God’s word.

Scripture & Prayer

Key Verse

2 Timothy 3:16, ” All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the and truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living”

Prayer points

– We pray for God’s guidance and support from donors to the project.

– We pray for a commitment on the part of our partners and Churches

-Pray for the safety of our team as they travel into Communities, Towns, and Villages across Liberia.

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Donation Total: $100