Our Work

Because of our faithful work, millions of people have access to the Word of God, grasping its message of love and embracing its power to meet them in their need.

What we do

The Bible Society of Liberia is a non – denominational Christian Organization. BSL translates the Holy Scriptures from English into various Liberian languages that meet the people’s needs.

Our Active Projects

$350 of $19,860 raised

Dan (Gio) First Bible Translation

Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Dan (Gio) First Bible Translation

$350 of $19,860 raised

Project Summary

The Dan (Gio) people are located in the northeastern part of Liberia, bordering Côte d’Ivoire. There are approximately 320,000 Dan people in Liberia. According to the Joshua Project, 25% of the Dan speakers are Christians belonging primarily to United Inland, Baptist, Methodist, Assembly of God and Pentecostal churches. 2% are Muslims and about 73% are involved in traditional religion. Having the Holy Bible translated in the Dan language, coupled with a vigorous evangelistic work, a significant amount of those traditional worshipers will come to know God, thus bringing more Dan people to his saving grace. This will also lead to an increase in the distribution of Bibles and a reduction in illiteracy in the country. The Dan-speaking people are anxious to have a translation of the whole Bible in their language, especially those who cannot read English.

Project Goal

1.The overall goal of this project is to complete the translation of the Holy Bible from English to the Dan language of Liberia by 2023. This date is hinder due to the outbreak of the pandemic (COVID-19) in 2020.

2. To also work with the local churches in carry out the translation and encourage their congregations to use the Dan translated materials (portions) while we await the Bible, thus enabling them to know God and read his Word in their own language.

3. To print and freely distribute portions of the translated materials on a regular basic and to carry out Bible engagement for the Dan-speaking people.

Project goal’s relationship to overall bible society strategy

There are sixteen major languages in Liberia. BS Liberia has translated eleven, so five remain. Our long term objective is to reach every Liberian with the gospel in the language they best understand ( their mother tongue). This project will be achieving that objective when the Dan (Gio) people have a Bible in the language they best understand.

Scripture & Prayer

Key Verse

2 Timothy 3.16: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching and truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living.”

Prayer points

1. Pray for donor support for this project, translation team and consultants.

2. We pray that as we print more books in 2022 and beyond, the Dan team should receive positive reception from the Dan people on the printed materials.

3.  We also pray that with the introduction of Paratext 9, translators will better understand it and improve on their work.

4. Pray that the COVID-19 virus will end soon to enable us meet our target by 2023, or the latest 2025.

Project Activities

Project activities

By the end of 2022: The project will have achieved about 90% by completing the following tasks:

Draft 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1-2 Peter, and Jude; Team check 1-2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians;

Review Joel, Amos, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Zechariah, 1-2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians;

Back translate Deuteronomy, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, John, and Acts;

Consultant check Ecclesiastes, Songs of Songs, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, John, and Acts;

And publish 1500 copies of Proverbs for free distribution to the Dan stakeholders.

By the end of 2023: This project will have achieved about 95% by completing the following tasks.

Draft: The books of 2 Corinthians, 1,2,3 Philemon, John and Jude.

Team Check: The books of John, 1 & 2 Timothy and 1 & 2 Corinthians.

Review Check: The books of Leviticus, Ecclesiastes, Joel, Amos, Habakkuk and Zephaniah.

Back Translation: The books of Jeremiah, Zechariah, John and 1 & 2 Corinthians.

Consultant Check: The books of Numbers, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Lamentation, Daniel, Hosea and Joel.

Project partners

The Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT) will provide fund for logistical support to the project. The local churches which include, (United Liberian Inland Church, the Assembly of God, and the Liberia Mid-Baptist Churches) have all provided personnel serving as translators and reviewers for the project. BSL will provide all the technical and managerial support to the project to enhance its viability. BSL will also help with the publication of the Dan Bible once it is completed.

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Donation Total: $100

$0 of $40,000 raised

Violence against women and girls in Liberia

Project Summary Liberia being a multi-culture society in which most of her tribal culture supports early childhood marriage, polygamy, female genital mutilation, dowry and passion violence among intimate partners; these…

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Violence against women and girls in Liberia

$0 of $40,000 raised

Project Summary

Liberia being a multi-culture society in which most of her tribal culture supports early childhood marriage, polygamy, female genital mutilation, dowry and passion violence among intimate partners; these tribal customs and traditional practices are the basis of violence affecting women and girls in the Liberian society of which Christian homes are of no exception.

Violence against women and girls, are major contributing factors to honor killing, body fracture, divorce and child abandonment needs to be mitigated as a major threat affecting human development and Christian family growth.

Reason for Ranking

This project is significant to BS-Liberia in that it meets the needs of congregational members of churches and communities  by providing them hope to overcome VAWG through scripture engagement.

Strategic Fit

Connecting your project to your Bible Society’s overall mission strategy

How does your project relate to the Philadelphia Promise?

As caring for those with special needs including victims of violence against women and girls. Building relation with churches and communities will certified objectives one and two of the Philadelphia promise.

About the beneficiaries

How did you arrive at your beneficiary impact number?

The beneficiary impact number was arrived at as a result of statistic on domestic violence activities in the four communities selected for project implementation

Beneficiary focus

Ministers and communities’ leaders from different traditional origin who are consider caregivers as well as victims and perpetrators of violence against women and girls.

How have the needs and perspective of the beneficiaries helped shape the design of the project?

This project is design on the basic of statistics drawn from violence against women and girls, and the level at which pastors and community leaders are overwhelmed with cases emanating form VAWG in the five communities selected for implementation.

National Context

As a Country recovering from fourteen years (1989-2003) of civil crisis that recorded transgressions ranging from rape to the brutal killing of unarmed civilians among other unlawful acts that were committed during the period of the crisis that account for more than 250,000 deaths within her boarders.

Violence against women and other acts of domestic/family violence has long permeated the Liberian society due to traditional believes, cultural practices and the reluctant of the legal system to adjudicate cases relating to rape, female genital mutilations, child labor, early childhood marriage and women rights to property ownership. These acts of violence are usually referred to as family or Church issues and are among the common crimes committed in our society.


The need for such a program that seek to exposed and broaden the minds of Church and community leaders by building up their capacities in dealing with issues arising from violence against women and girls as they care for victims and perpetrators during these difficult times cannot be overemphasized.

How this project will help the beneficiaries

By providing the relevant and appropriate training require for beneficiaries to care for victims, their families and associates as well as the perpetrators.

Children and Vulnerable Adults

The beneficiaries of this project are going to care for vulnerable women and girls who are the most victims of  violence within their congregations and communities. As they are usually unable to care for themselves in the pursue of justice and medical treatments due to cultural and traditional practices.


Provide trauma healing for adults in most cases and adoptions or relocation for children who are victimized.

Scripture & Prayer

Key Verse

There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28 (NIV)

Prayer points

  • We pray for donor support to this project
  • We pray that God will bless the participants and all those associated with the project and that participants will appreciate knowledge acquire from the training
  • We pray for the timely and smooth implementation of this project
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Donation Total: $50

$0 of $22,735 raised

Mann First Old Testament & NT Revision

Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Mann First Old Testament & NT Revision

$0 of $22,735 raised

Project Summary

The Mann people have a New Testament in their language and it has been well distributed since its publication. Many Mann-speaking people are Christians, mainly from the United Liberian Inland Church, the United Methodist Church, and the Roman Catholic Church. The Mann New Testament was completed in 1991. Since then the Mann people have been requesting the translation of their whole Bible. The translation of the Mann NT has caused an increase in evangelism in the interior of the country and has increased the number of new churches and church attendance among the Mann-speaking people. Since Bible translation is key to the BSL strategic plan, it is important to undertake this Bible translation project with the objective of making God’s Word available to all in their language so that they have a transformed life.

Reason for Ranking

Considering the Mann population and the level of evangelism work among them, translating the full Bible will give the Mann speaking people the full access to God’s word. The Mann are one of the major tribal groups in the northeastern region of Liberia who are religiously influential. By making the Bible available to them will promote the Gospel and bring many to Christ.

Other Resources Wanted

This project will need the expertise of UBS translation consultants and advice from other nBS that have carried out their projects in a similar manner. To enhance the quality of the ongoing translation project, the Society will appreciate further training for the translation team.

Project Goal

The overall goal of this project is to translate the Holy Bible into the Mann language by 2023, for the Mann-speaking people of Liberia.

To also help carry out Bible engagement programs such as literacy training that will help them read and understand God’s Word.

To work with the local churches in creating programs that will meet the economic needs of their congregations.

Project goal’s relationship to overall bible society strategy

There are about sixteen major languages in Liberia. BS Liberia has translated eleven, remaining five. Our long term objective is to reach every Liberian with the gospel in the language they best understand (their mother tongue). This project will be achieving that objective when the Mann people have the Bible in their native language.

Scripture & Prayer

Key Verse

2 Timothy 3.16: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching and truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living.”

Prayer points

1. Pray for donor support for this project, translation team and consultants.

2. We pray that as we print more books in 2022 and beyond, the Maan communities will respond positively to the printed portions and give feedbacks.

3. We also pray that with the introduction of Paratext 9, translators will better understand it and improve on their work.

4. Pray that the COVID-19 virus will end soon to enable us meet our target by 2023, or the latest 2024


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Donation Total: $50

$0 of $38,569 raised


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$0 of $38,569 raised

Project Summary

The 14years of civil crisis and Ebola virus disease claimed the lives of over four thousand eight hundred individuals (4,800), emulating from ten thousand six hundred reported cases (10,600) (WHO, March 2016). The Ebola outbreak left many people traumatized, especially those who lost their relatives and loved ones.

Consequently, traumatized individuals are involved with rape and other issues such as ethnic conflict, domestic violence, drugs, and other forms of substance abuse due to the lack of parental care that leads to their traumatic condition.

As we intend to address these traumatic conditions of our mothers and sisters who are hopeless, abused, and discriminated. The Bible Society in Liberia has decided to work with women and individuals in churches and communities to implement a Bible-based trauma healing program to help them restore their sense of dignity and value through scriptural engagement programs that will heal their wounds.

Reason for Ranking

This project is fundamental to the strategy objectivities of the Society as it heals the traumatic wounds of people suffering trauma. It helps them to regain their sense of value and provides the opportunity for them to comprehend the Scripture and live a meaningful life reflecting Biblical values.

Scripture & Prayer

Key Verse

Matthew 11: 28-30 ‘’come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (GNT)

Prayer points

  • We pray for continuous donor’s support to this project.
  • Pray for the success of this project and the required impact among beneficiaries.
  • We pray also for cordial working relationship with our partners, churches and targeted communities.


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Donation Total: $100

$0 of $22,673 raised

Mother Tongue Literacy Project

roject Summary Although significant improvement in the literacy rate has been observed in the last decade due to the reintroduction of government literacy program in 2005, yet 52.4% of Liberia’s…

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Mother Tongue Literacy Project

$0 of $22,673 raised

roject Summary

Although significant improvement in the literacy rate has been observed in the last decade due to the reintroduction of government literacy program in 2005, yet 52.4% of Liberia’s population remains illiterate according to the CIA world facts book published in 2017, and there are significant disparities between male and female literacy rate; why the literacy statistic of the United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization (UNESCO) report for 2017 state 47.6% of the total adult literacy population of Liberia. The target groups for this program are adults who had missed the opportunity of formal education during their childhood. With this situation we intend to spread the truth of the scripture with love through mother tongue literacy program that will positively impact non-literate Christian adults in Churches and communities.  This project seeks to transmit knowledge and promote social participation of adult Christian in Church services thereby increasing the purchase of language scriptures.

Reason for Ranking

This project is ranked number five (5) due to its significant to ongoing translations, scripture engagements and future programs aims as given people equal access to the scripture, especial those illiterates in the English language.

Other Resources Wanted

Technical assistance from Bible Societies that have carryout similar project.  Volunteers and local stakeholders contributions for the success of the project

Project Goal

To make Scripture available and affordable to everyone, we believe literacy arouses hope in society and among individuals who strive for means far more than learning how to read and write. With such an objective, we have decided to train four hundred and fifty (450) adults from three language groupings (Gola, Mann, and Dan) through this project. Through the following:

1. To provide literacy education to 150 individuals from the Gola, Mann, Dan, and Grebo language groups who do not have formal education.

2. To establish literacy classes in communities where translation work is ongoing.

3. To promote the reading of translated scriptures among the Gola, Dan, and Mann language groups.

4. To motivate and encourage adults to share Bible lessons with their associates and families to increase their interest in God’s word, which will promote adult participation in Church activities.

Project goal’s relationship to overall bible society strategy

The project aims to link Literacy more to the translation and publication process of the Gola, Mann, Dan, and Grebo scriptures. And to increase the reading population of the Gola, Mann, Dan, and Grebo speaking people before the publication of their scriptures.

Scripture & Prayer

Key Verse

The letter which you sent has been translated and read to me. Ezra 4:18

Prayer points

  1. –  We pray for Donors funding  to this project

–  We pray for the Bible Society as she out source staff for the implementation of the project

–  We pray for all of our stakeholders and the success of this project

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Donation Total: $100

$0 of $27,960 raised

Scriptures for New Believers ( E2E), FCBH and Literacy for All

Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Scriptures for New Believers ( E2E), FCBH and Literacy for All

$0 of $27,960 raised

Project Summary

For some years now, the Bible Society in Liberia has provided Bibles, Testaments, and Portions to new converts in rural communities. New converts who have completed the Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) listening program and have developed some reading skills in their language receive scripture at the end of the program and become members of a Bible-believing church. The E2E program adds new dynamism in reaching out with the gospel to the needy in rural areas by enhancing evangelism. This project also encourages the participants of the listening groups to learn to read and write in their language.

Reason for Ranking

This project is important in that it addresses the needs of rural dwellers, rural pastors and new believers coming to know the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Project Goal

The goals of the project are;

1. To get people in rural communities to listen to God’s words in their local languages utilizing the proclaimers.

2. To get them to read their language through literacy classes.

3. To provide Scriptures for new believers that have completed the listening classes and can now read, lead, and help in leading them to a Bible-believing church.

4. To facilitate the planting of Churches alongside the Jesus film.

Project goal’s relationship to overall bible society strategy

Reaching every language group with the Gospel in the language they best understand (their mother tongue), they will come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord. Changed in lives through scriptures materials distributed to new believers and those with a specific need for God’s word.

Scripture & Prayer

Key Verse

2 Timothy 3:16, ” All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the and truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living”

Prayer points

– We pray for God’s guidance and support from donors to the project.

– We pray for a commitment on the part of our partners and Churches

-Pray for the safety of our team as they travel into Communities, Towns, and Villages across Liberia.

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Donation Total: $100